Friday, January 25, 2008

Infant Colic Drops work wonders

Is your baby colicky ? Baby crying of discomfort for several hours, refusing milk or stomach slightly distended... this is a sign of colic... Is common among babies ...*sigh* baby digestive system still immature.

Often Dr. commented that baby will be out of colic around the age of 4 months.. However, this is not the case yet for my baby. I found Dentinox infant colic drops work wonders for my baby. Dentinox infant colic drops provides gentle relief from tummy ache, wind, gas, and griping stomach pain in babies.

You can read more about dentinox colic drops information at The great thing about this drop is it does not contain any alcohol, save for baby consumption.

Am looking forward to the day I can say goodbye to baby colic...

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